Cost Of Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro

Cost of Hiking mount Kilimanjaro

Cost of Hiking mount Kilimanjaro : The price of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro can vary depending on the route taken, the length of the climb, and the amount of services/assistance required. If scaling Mount Kilimanjaro is on your African travel bucket list, getting mentally, physically, and financially ready is essential. Continue reading to learn more about Kilimanjaro and the costs involved in reaching its summit. You can get an idea of the cost of climbing Kilimanjaro from this guide.

Three degrees south of the equator, in northeastern Tanzania, is where Mount Kilimanjaro can be found. It is both the highest freestanding mountain in the world and the tallest mountain in Africa. The highest point on Kilimanjaro is Uhuru Peak, which is 5895 meters high. The three volcanoes that make up Kilimanjaro are Shira, Mawenzi, and Kibo, the tallest of which is located in the center. Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the seven summits in the world.

How much does it cost to hike Kilimanjaro? Possibly the most significant query to address first when considering a Mount Kilimanjaro climbing trip is this one. Today, we’ll delve a little deeper into Kilimanjaro trekking expenses and considerations. We will break down the costs so you can determine for yourself which tours are the best values and how to tell a budget tour from a high-end tour. We take great pride in providing excellent value and service at competitive prices.

cost of climbing kilimanjaro


Tanzania is a stunning nation with a vibrant culture, stunning natural scenery, and a wide range of wildlife. Sunsets over the savanna and sunrises over Mount Kilimanjaro are unparalleled in the entire world. Since Mt. Kilimanjaro is not as difficult to climb as some other mountains, like Everest or Annapurna, many people enjoy doing it. You don’t have to be concerned about the trails being too steep or the conditions being too harsh as long as you correctly adjust to the altitude. Kili is the most accessible and walkable of the renowned seven summits. Kilimanjaro has been climbed by people of all ages. The youngest climber was only seven years old, and the oldest was 85. This is a fun experience for everyone.


The cost of climbing Kilimanjaro ranges from $1,500 to $4,500, depending on the route and group size. Looking for the most affordable way to climb Mount Kilimanjaro? If you’ve done any research, you’ve discovered that this is not possible. Due to high park fees and logistical costs, there is no such thing as a cheap Kilimanjaro climb. You’ve also probably discovered that different outfitters charge different prices to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. To save money, form or join a group of five or more like-minded hikers and stick to the Marangu Route. The Marangu route is less logistically difficult, but it is more popular and congested than the other routes.

NOTE: When trekking at a high altitude, you should look for cost-effective, high-quality services rather than a good “bargain” or paying too much money. Our climber cost packages for Mount Kilimanjaro typically include park fees, food, salaries, gear, guides, porters, ground transportation, and other logistical costs. If you intend to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, it is crucial to make sure you have the necessary funds. Here are some factors that affect how much your climb will cost:

cost of climbing kilimanajaro

 Group Size

The cost per person of a trekking party decreases with the number of participants. The most expensive climbs will only have one or two climbers because there are fewer people to share the operating costs with. It should come as no surprise that climbing with a dozen or more people will cost much less. The majority of Kilimanjaro local tour operator, including Select Adventure safari offer open climbs where clients can reserve a spot to join and create a group.

Days on the Mountain

Each day spent on the mountain results in additional expenses for food, lodging, park admission, staff salaries, and equipment use. Longer routes, therefore, cost more than shorter ones. Route choice is important because some require more personnel, equipment, and logistical planning.

Level of Service

Budget, midrange, and luxury are the three broad price categories that Kilimanjaro tour companies fall under. This is the primary cause of the enormous price discrepancy between businesses for what appears to be the same service. Because a company’s website doesn’t always give the full picture, the average consumer finds it difficult to distinguish between operators.


Conservation Fees: $70 per day, per person.

All visitors are required to pay admission fees to Kilimanjaro National Park, which are used to maintain the park. This covers the upkeep of the trail, keeping it pristine, and paying the rangers. Every day you spend in the park, even partial days, is subject to the conservation fee. The conservation fees for an 8-day climb up Mount Lemosho come to $560 ($70 x 8 days).

Camping or Hut fees: $50 to $60 per night per person

This is a fee charged when climbing Kilimanjaro for using the rustic huts and campsites on the mountain. On the Marangu route, huts are the only accommodations. Camping at designated public sites for all other routes a five-day Marangu climb costs $240 ($60 multiplied by four nights). Camping costs for an 8-day climb up Mount Lemosho are $350 ($50 x 7 nights).

Rescue Fees: $20 per person, per trip

Due to the possibility that the park authority will have to organize a rescue, rescue fees are levied. Whether or not you need rescue, you must still pay this fee. Each trip will cost $20 per person.

Guide and Porter Entrance Fees: $2 per staff person per trip

To enter the park, all employees must also pay admission fees. $2 is the per-trip entrance fee to the park.

Value-Added Tax: 18% of services

Any time value is added during the production or distribution process, goods and services are subject to a value-added tax (VAT), a type of general consumption tax. Kilimanjaro tour companies must pay an 18% VAT to the Tanzanian government.

Wages, food, and Transportation Costs

The next largest outlay, after park admission fees and taxes, is for staff salaries, food, and transportation. Depending on the size of the group, the daily pay for climbers in the area ranges from $80 to $150. Food costs average $10–$20 per climber per day (including staff meals). Depending on the route, transportation costs average about $100 per trip. In addition, there are expenses for managing your climb as well as wear and tear on your camping gear.

 You can calculate how much it might cost to pay for your own Kilimanjaro climb by adding up all the daily expenses mentioned above. Although significant, the sum does not quite justify the industry-standard, eye-popping price tags.


It is crucial to pack the right equipment for your Mount Kilimanjaro climbing trip. You will need to bring supplies to last you for days because climbing Kilimanjaro takes several days. Before you climb, you might need to buy the following items:

  • Backpack
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Water Bottle
  • Extra Clothing
  • Tents, sleeping bags, and food are frequently provided if you decide to reserve your climb through a guide service.


Your flight to Tanzania will be among your biggest outgoing costs. You might have to travel for one or two days to get to your destination, depending on where you are in the world.

 For instance, a flight costs about $2,500 and takes 32 hours to complete from Chicago to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It costs around $2,000 and takes 27 hours from Los Angeles. There are numerous ways to locate the cheapest and shortest flights to Kilimanjaro from anywhere in the world.

 You can monitor prices for your chosen dates using apps like Google Flights and Hopper, and some of them even send you alerts when there are signs that the price might change. These are excellent resources that can aid in your travel planning.


The time has come to select your climbing package after you have purchased your gear and booked your flights. The best option is to make a reservation with a guide service because you will be accompanied by experienced climbers who will make sure you remain safe at all times.

 Additionally, tour operators offer a variety of useful services, like airport pickup and hotel accommodations the night before the trip. We offer all of these and more. Our top priority is providing excellent customer service, and we go above and beyond to ensure that all of our visitors are satisfied.

At Select Adventure Safari, we provide many different packages at various price points. All of our packages include hotel accommodations the day before and the day after the trip, as well as drop-off and pick-up at the airport. Here is a quick summary of all the routes we have available for you to choose from.

Machame Route:

For more seasoned travelers, one of our most popular options is the Machame Route. One of our more difficult climbs is this one. The trek lasts seven days and starts and ends in Moshi, Tanzania. The Great Barranco Wall, a new challenge on this route, presents itself.

The Machame Route has a 90% success rate since it takes less time to acclimatize to the altitude (7 days). So, if reaching the peak’s summit is a top priority, this trek is for you.

Rongai Route:

For those who prefer a more tranquil journey, the Rongai Route is one of the less traveled routes. You will experience breathtaking views and expansive scenery along this seven-day route. Although we try to assist you by adding an acclimatization stage on the fourth day of the climb, it is important to note that this journey makes it a little more challenging to acclimate to the altitude.

Marangu Route:

One of the most historic climbs up Mount Kilimanjaro is this 6-day route. It is a very popular choice for many climbers because it is thought to be one of the simplest routes to the summit. This route provides a breathtaking view of the sunrise, which will make for an unforgettable experience.

Lemosho Route:

It takes 8 days to ascend the mountain via the Lemosho Route. This route has a 95% success rate because it gives the traveler more time to acclimate to the altitude. It is regarded as one of the most picturesque paths and is less congested than many of the busier paths.

Northern Circuit Route:

One of the more recent routes we have available is the 9-day Northern Circuit Route. Before reaching the summit, you can almost completely traverse the mountain using this route. Due to the limited number of climbers who use this route and the extra time for acclimatization, it is regarded as one of the quietest journeys. A distinctive Kilimanjaro trekking experience is provided in Rongai.


Another aspect to take into account when organizing your trek and thinking about climbing cost is tipping. The porters and guides are expected to receive gratuities for their assistance. They are the lifeblood of Kilimanjaro and put in a tremendous amount of effort to assist visitors in completing a successful summit. Every step of the way, they encourage you, support you, and look out for you. At the conclusion of each Kilimanjaro climb, a tipping ceremony is held in their honor. Although not required, tips are greatly appreciated because they support the local community’s ability to maintain a high standard of living. Typical tipping guidelines are:

 Porters: $10–$12 per porter per day; Guides: $20–$25 per guide per day.


Although climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is expensive, you can easily afford your trip with careful saving and planning. Spending the money will be worthwhile because climbing Kilimanjaro is an experience that cannot be measured in dollars. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you’re interested in learning more about our guided climbs up Kilimanjaro.

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