Tanzania safari from England Uk

Tanzania safari from Australia

Every year, about 75,000 Brits travel to Tanzania. The United Kingdom, which consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is Tanzania’s second-largest source of annual tourism after the United States. According to recent statistics from the Tanzania Tourism Board, 77,000 British tourists visited the country in the past year to experience its attractions.


For the most frequent types of travel, the information on this page reflects the UK government’s understanding of the current regulations for those leaving the UK with a full “British Citizen” passport. Tanzanian authorities establish and uphold entry regulations. Contact Tanzania’s UK embassy, high commission, consulate, or us at Best of Tanzania Safaris for the best guidance if you’re unsure of how the country’s entry requirements apply to you.

Travelers do not need to present a COVID vaccination record or a COVID test result in order to enter Tanzania. When you arrive, health officials might check you for COVID symptoms. They might also choose a random group of travelers for quick antigen testing.

If you’re transiting through Tanzania,

There may be different laws regarding vaccination and testing requirements depending on your carrier or final destination country. Before you travel, ask your transportation company or travel agent about their COVID-19 requirements.

  • Before departing, double-check your passport and other travel documents.
  • Passport expiration
  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months after your arrival in Tanzania.
  • If you live in Tanzania, your passport needs to be good for six months after your arrival.
  • Make sure your passport and other travel documents satisfy their requirements by checking with your travel company.


To enter Tanzania, all British citizens must have a tourist or business visa. Tanzania has implemented an “e-visas” system that allows travelers to apply and have their visas approved online before leaving. A visa cannot be obtained from the Tanzanian High Commission in London anymore.

Subject to meeting all immigration requirements, it is also possible to obtain a tourist or business visa for a single entry upon arrival at Tanzania’s main ports of entry. You might be required to show documentation of your return trip. A multiple-entry visa cannot be obtained upon arrival. Visit the Tanzanian immigration website or call us at Select Adventure Safari for more information on visas.

A valid work permit, which can also be applied for online via the Tanzanian immigration website, is required if you intend to work or volunteer. Before you leave, your employer or volunteer organization should make arrangements for this.

 You may be arrested, held, fined, and deported if you overstay the duration of your visa or permit. Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) British passport holders have reported to the British High Commission that they are subjected to higher levels of harassment from immigration officials. You should maintain your composure in these situations and request that the British High Commission’s consular section be informed right away.


You might require specialized medical care abroad if you have a health condition or are pregnant. Verify that the healthcare system in your country of destination can meet your needs, and make sure you have the right travel insurance to cover any unplanned medical evacuation or local treatment.

Check the National Travel Health Network and Center’s (NaTHNaC) most recent country-specific health recommendations on the TravelHealthPro website at least eight weeks before your trip. There are factsheets with information on staying healthy abroad, vaccine recommendations, and any current health risks or outbreaks listed on each country-specific page. On the NHS website, you can find general information on travel vaccinations as well as a travel health checklist. After that, you might want to speak with your pharmacist or health advisor for suggestions on additional precautions to take and how to manage any existing medical conditions while traveling.

 Some medicines that are prescribed or purchased in the UK may have different legal standing and regulations abroad.  Traveling can be fun, but it can also be difficult at times. It is crucial to take care of yourself while traveling and living abroad because there are definite connections between mental and physical health.


Dial 112 and request an ambulance if you require emergency medical care while traveling. If you are sent to a medical facility for treatment, you should get in touch with your insurance or medical assistance provider right away.

 There aren’t many medical facilities, especially outside of Dar es Salaam. Make sure you have sufficient travel health insurance and readily available funds to cover the cost of international medical care, air ambulance evacuation, and repatriation.


The Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) outbreak in the Kagera region of northwest Tanzania was deemed to be over on June 2, 2023, by the Ministry of Health. This announcement was made 42 days after the April 19, 2023, negative test result for the final confirmed case.

Other health risks

Tanzania frequently experiences cholera, dengue fever, and malaria. In the north, including the Serengeti, sleeping sickness has also been reported in cases following tsetse fly bites. Other illnesses, like rift valley fever, predominately strike rural areas with poor sanitary facilities.

 According to the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group’s estimates in the 2015 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, approximately 1,400,000 Tanzanian adults aged 15 or older were affected, and the prevalence percentage was estimated at around 4.7 percent of the adult population in 2015. To protect yourself against HIV/AIDS exposure, take the usual precautions.


Contact the nearest British embassy, consulate, or high commission if you require immediate assistance from the UK government while you are in Tanzania. Call the FCDO in London at 020 7008 5000 (24 hours) if you need urgent assistance because something has happened to a friend or relative who is in Tanzania.

Refunds and cancellations

You should get in touch with your travel agency if you want to change or cancel a vacation that you’ve already booked. You and your travel company should discuss refunds and cancellations. When deciding whether or not to refund customers, travel agencies act independently. Do not hesitate to contact us at Best of Tanzania safaris i to learn more about your options if you want to postpone a vacation, for assistance with flight booking issues or inquiries regarding travel insurance etc.


Tanzania is a likely target for terrorist attacks. Since the bombing of the American embassy in 1998, Tanzania has not experienced a significant terrorist attack, but there have been a number of smaller-scale incidents. Close to the Mozambique border, the village of Kitaya in the Mtwara region was attacked in October 2020. Islamic extremists operating out of northern Mozambique claimed responsibility for the attack. Attacks against western interests are also possible, but most attacks target the local security forces.

Attacks might come without warning and target anyone. Targets may include locations that westerners frequently visit, such as churches, transportation hubs, embassies, hotels, restaurants, and bars, as well as large gatherings like sporting or religious events. In the past, terrorist attacks in the area have targeted stadiums where football games are broadcast. Always be on the lookout, but especially in crowded and public places.

Extremists thought to be active in Tanzania and affiliated with the Somali-based Islamic terrorist organization Al-Shabaab are a threat to all of East Africa. Near Tanzania’s border with this region of Mozambique, attacks by IS-Mozambique, which is based in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique, may occur. Additionally, there may be some support for Daesh (previously known as ISIL). In relation to terrorism, the Tanzanian authorities have been successful in making a number of arrests. Many incidents, though, may have been started by criminal gangs in Tanzania and are of unknown origin.

There is a serious threat of terrorism against UK interests and British nationals all over the world, including from organizations and people who see the UK and British nationals as targets. You must always be on the lookout.

Local laws and customs

Tanzanians are friendly and welcoming to visitors, but you should respect the local way of life. Loud or aggressive behavior, intoxication, profanity, and disrespect, particularly toward senior citizens, will offend.

 In Tanzania, particularly on Zanzibar, Pemba, and the coast, there are a lot of Muslims. Always be mindful of your behavior to avoid offending others and respect local traditions, customs, laws, and religions, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan or if you plan to visit places of worship.

You should wear modest clothing. Women should refrain from donning shorts and sleeveless tops outside of tourist resorts in Zanzibar and Pemba, especially in Stone Town and other areas where the local populace might be offended.

For wearing inappropriate clothing in public, Zanzibari authorities have the right to fine visitors, tour guides, and travel agencies. Tourists must pay minimum fines of 700 USD, and tour companies must pay minimum fines of 1000 USD. Women who travel alone or in small groups have experienced verbal harassment in some instances.

 In Tanzania, including Zanzibar, homosexuality is against the law and is not accepted by the country’s traditional culture. Kissing or holding hands in public places are examples of public displays of homosexuality that could result in arrest and imprisonment.

Safety and security

Mozambique border: Near the border between Tanzania and the Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, extra caution should be exercised. This is because there is a chance that attacks by organizations associated with Islamic extremism will spark unrest and instability across international borders. Islamic extremist organizations operating out of northern Mozambique claimed responsibility for an attack on Kitaya village in October 2020.


Tanzania is generally a trouble-free destination, but there is armed and violent crime there. In addition to an increase in armed robberies and burglaries across the nation, the British High Commission continues to receive frequent reports of British nationals who have been mugged and had their bags stolen (especially by passing cars or motorbikes). At South Beach, 20 kilometers southeast of Dar es Salaam, a European family was robbed at gunpoint, and their campsite guard was killed in December 2016. Tourists in Dar es Salaam have been kidnapped, assaulted, robbed, and threatened with violence in order to get them to use unlicensed taxis, withdraw money from ATMs, and arrange cash transfers of up to £5,000 through Western Union.

Never accept a ride from a total stranger or someone who offers to call a taxi on your behalf. Use only authorized taxis. If at all possible, book a taxi through a reputable business, like a hotel, and always request to see the driver’s identification. Taxi services offered through apps are unreliable.

Walk as far away from the road as you can, and steer clear of nighttime cycling and walking. If you must cross the street, move in the direction of the traffic. Avoid exercising alone, especially on beaches and in remote locations.

 Keep large amounts of cash and valuables out of your pocket, such as pricey jewelry or watches. Keep a photocopy of your ID on you at all times, and leave your passport in the hotel safe.

When being attacked, do not fight back. It is safer to hang a bag off your shoulder or hold it loosely by the handle when carrying one than to cross the strap across your chest. Both cyclists and pedestrians have been the targets of bag thieves.

 Pay close attention in areas where tourists and foreign residents congregate. Tourists and locals in Dar es Salaam have been targeted in key locations such as the city center, the Ubungo bus station, the Masaki/Oysterbay peninsula, and particularly Coco Beach and Toure Drive. On the island of Zanzibar, incidents have happened in Stone Town, at hotels, and on well-known tourist beaches.

Ensure the safety of residential property by locking all windows and doors, especially at night. Before allowing anyone to enter your property or compound, your security guard should demand official identification. In any case, sound the alarm and refuse to let them in.

 You must always be on the lookout. Dial 112 and request the appropriate emergency service if you need to get in touch with the emergency services.

Road Safety

Poor driving practices and poor road conditions prevail. Road accidents frequently result in fatalities and severe injuries. Road users and drivers frequently drive recklessly and break the law. Driving on your own in Tanzania can be difficult. Before you drive, verify the posted speed limits.

Always be on the lookout for other drivers, and drive carefully. Any lane of the road, including the hard shoulder of a highway, is open for vehicles and motorcycles to attempt overtaking maneuvers. Drivers of all types of vehicles frequently perform maneuvers without giving any advance warning.

Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, and slow down before intersections and roundabouts. At roundabouts, you should yield to the right, but be careful because people frequently break the rules. Always fasten your seatbelt when driving. You shouldn’t drive a car if you have any doubts about its safety or roadworthiness.

Car rental companies’ quality varies. Use reputable taxi services as an alternative. Roadside assistance for breakdowns or rescues is nonexistent. Road maps are difficult to find and occasionally out-of-date. Service stations are scarce and occasionally run out of fuel.

Numerous roads, including those in significant towns and cities, require repair and have varying road surfaces. Roads may flood, and their surfaces may deteriorate during rainy seasons. If you’re driving during the rainy season, use extra caution and get local advice before embarking on a long drive. The ‘Natural Disasters section has more details on the rainy season.

 The roads surrounding Tanzania’s national parks, which are primarily dirt tracks, are typically in poor condition and can become dangerous or impassable after heavy rain, making driving conditions in the parks unpredictable. Frequently, a 4×4 vehicle is needed. Avoid leaving major cities and towns at night.

Keep windows closed, doors locked, and valuables hidden because thieves occasionally target moving vehicles. Be extra cautious at night, when crime and drunk driving are more prevalent. Avoid leaving town at night. It is frequently safer not to stop if you learn about an unusual incident or if someone in plain clothes tries to flag you down.

 Police roadblocks are frequently encountered. Ask for identification if you are pulled over by the police before paying any fines for any traffic violations. Cooperate with the local police if you are in a car accident.

Local transport

Avoid using local public transportation for quick trips within towns and cities. If you have the option to use a legally registered taxi instead, you should. Local ‘dala dalas’ (buses), ‘boda-bodas’ (motorbike taxis), and ‘bajaji’ (Tuk-tuks) do not adhere to western safety standards. Vehicles are frequently in poor condition, are frequently driven carelessly, and are rarely properly insured.

Dala dalas, boda bodas, and tuk tuks are frequently involved in accidents, some of which are fatal. Pickpockets might operate on crowded Dala Dala buses.

Licenses and documents

To drive in Tanzania, you must possess an International Driving Permit (IDP). IDPs can only be purchased over the counter at 2,500 UK post offices as of February 1, 2019. Get an IDP before you leave because you cannot purchase one outside of the UK.

You will need both your UK driver’s license and an international driving permit if you intend to drive while visiting Tanzania. You will need your UK driver’s license and a local Zanzibar driving permit (which you can obtain through your rental car company) in order to drive in Zanzibar. Your driver’s license, permits, and insurance documents should all be carried in multiple copies.

Burundi border/Kigoma region

Pay close attention to the region bordering Burundi and Kigoma. Armed robberies, including car hijackings, have occurred in this region. Only drive during daylight hours. There aren’t many visitor amenities.

National Parks

Planning ahead is crucial to making the most of your safari. If you decide to camp, only use recognized locations. When visiting remote locations, make sure you are prepared and get local insight. Some parks are very far away, making emergency access and evacuation challenging.

 Viewing wildlife can be dangerous, especially when done on foot or up close. Follow all rules and directions from park wardens, and make sure you have the proper identification or a permit before entering a national park.


Use only a reputable travel agency such as Select Adventure Safari when trekking or climbing, stay on well-traveled paths, and always walk in groups. Make sure you are outfitted and prepared to handle the terrain and chilly weather. In the northeast of Tanzania, which is where Mounts Meru and Kilimanjaro are located, altitude sickness is a possibility.


There are three international airports in Tanzania, but Kilimanjaro International Airport serves as the country’s main gateway. A good domestic flight network links the main travel routes once you’re inside the nation, and there is a constantly expanding road network for ground travel. Tanzania has three significant international airports:

  • The Serengeti, the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, and Lake Manyara are all part of the Northern Safari Circuit, which can be reached from Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), which is midway between Arusha and Moshi.
  • For those traveling to Dar es Salaam or the Southern Safari Circuit, which includes the Selous Game Reserve and Ruaha National Park, Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR) is a good choice.
  • Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (ZNZ) is the closest airport to Stone Town, the capital of Zanzibar, at just 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) away. 

Most significant cities in Europe and North America have good international connections to all three airports.

Flying, which costs between £310 and £850 and takes 14 minutes, is the quickest way to travel from England to Tanzania. Although there are simple connections available, there are no direct flights from the UK to Tanzania. The two direct flights from Europe are from Istanbul to Dar es Salaam’s Julius Nyerere International Airport on Turkish Airlines or from Amsterdam to Kilimanjaro International Airport on KLM.

The majority of travelers from Britain travel to Nairobi via London (British Airways or Kenya Airways). Etihad Airways (via Abu Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (via Doha) are additional airlines that fly to Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam.


What is the cheapest way to travel from England to Tanzania? Flying, which costs between $370 and $1,000 and takes 16 hours, is the most economical way to travel between England and Tanzania.

What is the quickest route from England to Tanzania? Flying takes 13 hours and 59 minutes, costs between $490 and $1,100, and is the fastest way to travel from England to Tanzania.

How far is it between Tanzania and England? Tanzania and England are separated by 7440 kilometers.

 How much time does it take to travel from Tanzania to England? Including transfers, the flight time between England and Tanzania is around 13 hours and 59 minutes.

How long is the flight from England to Tanzania? From London Heathrow Airport to Zanzibar Airport, there are no direct flights. The flight with the shortest layover takes 11 hours and 40 minutes.

What time difference exists between Tanzania and England? England is two hours behind Tanzania. For example when Tanzania is at 14:12, and England is at 12:12.

 Which airlines operate flights between London Heathrow and Zanzibar Airport? Flights are available from London Heathrow Airport to Zanzibar Airport on KLM, Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways, and eight other airlines.

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